Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Where does your food come from?

For Friday's class, use the following websites to do some research about where your food comes from, food alternatives, and access to food. Pick at least one of the following options.

- What are your resources for buying local food? Use the Real Time Farms website to generate a list of farms, food artisans and local eateries in your area, what kind of farming practices they use, and what you might buy from them. Feel free to explore other areas, too.

- Find out about the companies that make the food and products you use. Download the Buycott app for your smartphone (it's free) and be ready to share some reports on products or food you buy.

- Check our the USDA's Food Access Research Atlas or the Food Environment Atlas to locate food deserts locally or in the places where you're from or find out about access to food. Be able to tell us something about food access and the food environment locally or in your home town.

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