Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reliance on Technology.

We, as humans, don't necessarily like quick changes, however, we tend to ignore it and just adapt . Each year, we allow technology to develop. 
Each year we allow it to advance quicker than the year before that. 
We may or not may not speak up about the changes, but either way, we accept the changes one way or another.  
Have you ever thought about how life would have been like without technology?

~ Check out the Youtube link below and think of all the things you or someone you know uses.

~Now after watching the link, how difficult do you think it would be to wake up in the morning without your alarm clock, coffee maker, car, laptop, and phone?
Without my alarm clock, I personally don't think I would be able to wake up at the time needed for a meeting; being so, I'm already late  and don't have time to make my morning coffee- meaning I'll be tired and cranky all day- I then have to catch public transportation, but hey, I'm 3 minutes late, so I have to wait 27 minutes till the next train. It will now take me even longer to get there, and have no way of informing them about my situation.
To me, this seems like a stressful day. 

Even though we humans, created technology, we allowed technology to change every part of our life. It has changed our education, our work, our community, and also, our way of communicating with one another.

Yes, there are many advantages of technology, but do you ever think about the disadvantages? 
At one point in my life, I honestly avoided the issues that rose with technology, only because 'it had no effect on me'. However, at that time it didn't, and now it does. I drove to visit my aunt and hoped to spend some quality time with my younger cousins (10 and a 2 year old girls, 7 year old boy), but instead, I end up spending some quality time with my iPhone (even though I'm speaking against it now), as they do with their laptop, iPhone, and iPad. It's so crazy to think of what the world has come to, don't you think so?!? I remember being their age, and loving the fact that I was OUTSIDE  playing with my siblings and hating the time when my mom would call us inside for dinner. These kids on the other hand, one has to beg them and give them reasons to enjoy playing outside.
I was just wondering what their kids will look like, but no need to wait that long, with the quick advancements that technology is experiencing, who knows how the world will be like by 2030; after all, it is those kids that will structure technology then, if not already by now. 
Leaving my aunts house because of boredom, I decided to pick up one of my friends, and just cruise around town. Is that a good enough reason to use the gas, and pollute the environment? 'Because of boredom.' Of course not. But, I think to myself, I could, so why not? 

~If I think that way, many others do as well. It's an issue that we, the society, have constructed, and avoid. We are selfish. We only think of what the best thing is for us. Our needs, have now become desires. We take advantage of our environment, with our technology. 
Every car has at least one window, but we still decide to turn the AC on. You know, just for the pleasure of it. I've seen my parents and siblings do it, so I guess I get to enjoy it as well. But really though, how long will I enjoy it for before something new comes out?

It has become a routine for us to go from one technological advancement to another. 
It has become our routine not to ask questions, and just adapt.

Is this fair for our environment?  Is this fair for the younger generation?
We know best, yet we are not making the smartest decisions in our day-to-day life.
It is us, humans, that make the world the way it is. 

-Nardeen B Turjman.

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