Friday, November 8, 2013

We Want More PSLs

While reading about the Guaraní people, naturally I began to compare our culture and theirs. If you have been doing the readings you may realize how hard that is. In America, we get upset if the season changes and we can no longer order the Pumpkin Spice Latté at Starbucks while the Guaraní people actually have a season where many of their people go without corn and beans for months...oh and without Pumpkin Spice Lattés. This is called the karuvaí or also know as the hunger season. After this season is over, the Guaraní have religious gathering and initiation rites. During this time, the religious leader announces the new children and praises them as well as they recognize and appreciate the corn initiating both into the community. 
How interesting is it that we live such different lives and value such different things than these people? While thinking of things in the American culture to compare to the Guaraní culture, I focused on foods we value. I came to the conclusion that many Americans seem to value the huge feast we all prepare for on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but if you're anything like my
family you prepare it at home and bring it to to Grandma's ready to eat. I leave you all with one question..what is something your family values greatly and celebrates every year? It can be anything. 

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