Friday, April 10, 2015

Renewable Energy

The way that we use energy now isn't an environmentally safe way of using energy. We are using up as much fossil fuels as possible right now without the thought of what happens when there is no more and we drain the earth dry. I, as well as many of you, use fossil fuels like it is my job. I drive almost everywhere that I go, using gas and oil everyday. It is very hard to get out of that habit, especially since I don't have a bike. It is engrained in our society that it is okay for us to use all the fossil fuels possible because it won't affect us when they are all gone.

There are some ways to get the same amount of energy through renewable energy. Most renewable energy comes from the sun. Solar panels are the best way to capture the sun and convert it into energy. This energy can be used to heat homes, create electricity, and dry clothes without using a dryer. The suns energy will never run out and we can use it as much as possible. We need to think about switching to solar power rather than the use of fossil fuels to make it through everyday.

Another type of renewable energy comes from the wind turbines. These are already in use, driving from Arizona to California every Christmas with my dad I saw them lined up all down the highway. I always thought they were the coolest things because of how big they were. Now I think they are even better because I understand that they are used to make electricity without the use of fossil fuels.

These sources of renewable energy have many benefits. They are clean sources of energy, the conventional way was harmful to the environment and these renewable resources act with the environment to help human life. The renewable energy investments are spent within the United States, this gives a boost in the economy. It also creates jobs for the people in the US which also helps the economy. Renewable energy creates energy security. This means that when all non-renewable resources are gone we will still be able to create and sustain enough energy for everyone to use.

It is strongly encouraged to start finding ways to use renewable energy rather than non-renewable. You could even stop driving everywhere, dry clothes outside, or don't have as many electronics. Dong any of these things would help keep non-renewable resources around until the renewable resources are fully built and used.

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