Thursday, April 2, 2015

What is Your Moral Code?

Have you ever thought of yourself as a lover of the environment?
Do you recycle or make sure to turn off the lights when not in a room?
What about animals, are you all about animal rights and preservation?

So yeah, you love your environment and you want to protect it as best as you can, but where do you place yourself?

Do you consider yourself part of the environment?

If you do believe that humans are a part of nature then you believe in moral holism! 

If you believe that humans are separate from the environment then you believe in moral separatism.


Obviously, there are a few implications with each one. For moral holism there is a sense of a reciprocal relationship. We need nature and nature needs us. More so, because we are considered a part of nature then everything we do must be natural, right? If so then sex, eating, sleeping, and reproducing must come to us naturally. Is that really truthful? What about people whom are asexual or homosexual? Does moral holism imply they are unnatural? How about violence, murder, or even rape? Wouldn't they be considered natural as well? At least, people could use moral holism as an excuse to do things.

Moral separatism has another set of implications. Since we are not part of nature than we can not follow nature and nothing we do is natural. Our technology, our advancements, none of it can be considered natural. If we are to consider that we are not part of nature than  we can clearly  never come to understand it..

These are both difficult to fully grasp, and it may not make since. You may find yourself not able to identify with one or the other. Maybe you have your own moral code that is a combination of the two. Maybe the concept of nature is beyond our understanding. After all, it is a social construction, which is the reason that different cultures of different places and times have their own unique relationship with nature.

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