Monday, March 30, 2015

Horror of Homeless

Homelessness does not discriminate. It effects people of every age, race and religion. Homelessness is caused by a variety of social, economic and personal hardships such as; loss of a job, bills being higher than earnings, eviction, abuse at home, incarceration, health problems, family issues and substance abuse. However, homelessness is more than a social problem, it's an environmental concern.

In the United States there are currently 3.5 million people seeking refuge on the streets, under bridges, in parks, wooded ares, shelters or cars. According to a study by The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, over 100 "Tent Cities" have been established throughout the U.S."spanning states as diverse as Hawaii, Alaska, California, and Connecticut." Encampments provide the homeless with a sense of community, safety and shelter. Some require their residents to uphold a certain standard of living, and are governed by members within the homeless community. Despite efforts to maintain cleanliness, tent cities are plagued with human waste and garbage. Unsanitary public toilets and showers are a breeding ground for disease and pose a serious threat to the health of the community. Improper disposal of human waste along rivers contaminates the water supply for the encampment as well as nearby communities. Due to poor hygiene, residents suffer from illness, infection, skin and dental problems. 

While tent cities pose health hazards and are harmful to the environment, people are drawn to these communities for companionship and support. Residents often rely on each other for survival and engage in generalized and balanced reciprocity. Despite having little to give, the homeless express a desire to contribute to the betterment of their community by sharing and exchanging resources. The kinship within the homeless encampments is similar to that of the Guarani. The Guarani society is based on kinship and being one with nature. Tent cities could improve their quality of life through the cultivation of trusting relationships, and learning how to utilize their environment.

To learn more about homeless encampments, click the link below to view Tent City U.S.A


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