Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Trying to Find a Place in this World

You know that song by Taylor Swift, the one about someone trying to find where they fit into the world? Well that song is the theme song to my life.  I am a Grapple.  I don’t know exactly why I came to be, or really what it is about me that makes me so appealing, but somehow my creation began.  Let me tune you into what I supposedly am through the words of my producer:  

“Imagine the sweet distinctive flavor of Concord grapes combined with the crispness of a fresh, juicy Washington Extra Fancy apple.”

I guess that is pretty cool.  I mean wouldn’t you want to be something natural and delicious and then injected with a flavor to be altered? What can I say, I am one of a kind.  I am always asked, “aren’t you a GMO?” That just offends me—NO! Let me key you in on why my round and fruity self is not genetically modified…at least through the eyes of my creators.

      Genetically Modified Foods are made up of organisms that have been genetically altered for “improvement.”  Many times they are reconstructed in order to make the food larger in size, resistant to insects, and easier to contain—the food is altered in order to better please the humans living on my land.  I have been told over and over that I am not a GMO, but don’t take my word for it, here is what my publicist has to say:

“We don’t alter mother nature’s ability to create a wonderful apple. Our process takes place after the fruit has been received in the warehouse.”

 You see, they don’t change me at the beginning stages, they just inject me with “synthesized grape flavoring agents” at the end—BIG difference.  Take a look for yourself, I am just the child of a natural, and wholesome idea.
I guess my identity confusion stems from my grocery store neighbors, aka my haters.  

I am sorry, Mr. HoneyCrisp apple,
The Thoughts of Mr. HoneyCrisp

you are not as pure and perfect as you think…you have been brainwashed—or should I say pesticide-washed.  So many fruits have been sprayed with pesticides in order to increase crops so the greedy human population doesn’t go hungry.  Your pesticides, Mr. H, are hurting the environment you are grown in…they are affecting your orchard home and your neighbor insects.  I am not so bad once you have looked at your reflection in a food scale, am I? I guess all us food in the grocery store has lost touch with our beginning roots. 
Maybe we all need to find our place in this world.  I hope Taylor Swift writes a new song about how we learn to belong in an environment constantly altering us.




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