Monday, March 2, 2015

Wal-Mart vs. Kroger

            It’s a Sunday afternoon at home and you are feeling a little hungry, so you get off the couch to go to the kitchen. In hopes for something appealing to jump out at you in the fridge or pantry, you end up disappointed when the fridge and pantry are both bare. It is that dreaded time of the week again… to go get groceries for the week. You jump in your car and you are already faced with the decision, Kroger or Wal-Mart?

            Wal-Mart is known for its low prices and everyday guarantees. Although the prices are typically the lowest in town, the lines are usually long and the customer service is usually terrible. But look on the bright side, Wal-Mart also has all of your household and clothing items you may need too! 

Kroger is a great place to shop if you are a proud owner of the Kroger Plus Card (A card that keeps track of money spent and points earned in hope to receive discounts in the future). Another great aspect of Kroger stores is the taste-test area throughout the stores, which in the end usually influence the customer to buy that exact item. After thinking through all of your options you go with Wal-Mart since there are some other things you need to pick up while you’re out also.

            You walk into Wal-Mart and are all of the sudden greeted by usually a man or woman that Wal-Mart sticks there to give off a good first impression. You get passed them, get your cart and you look around… As soon as you walk into the store many on sale items on the first selves you see surround you. These items are usually As Seen on TV items or soda stacked up in a cool shape or image to get your attention. 
You are already tempted to buy things that you didn't even come to the store for! You are starting to think if Wal-Mart was a bad decision. 

In Chapter 8 of Stuffed in Starved, Raj Patel writes, "Walmart is the world's largest corporation, responsible for 2 percent of US GDP and owner of the second-most-powerful computer after the Pentagon." Wal-Marts across the country and even in the world are taking over big and small towns. 

Wal-Marts across the nation are literally taking over. Did you know that $36,000,000 is spent per hour, yes.. PER HOUR, at Wal-Mart?! Also, 80% of Wal-Mart's products come from China..  How do you feel about getting your groceries at a place the imports 80% of their goods from China? We all know we get such cheap products at Wal-Mart, but are we getting the best quality food in their grocery stores? Would it be more beneficial to spend more money at Kroger or a Whole Foods Market and get quality products? Many Americans debate of this topic and this video below may help you decide. (
In the end, you are probably going to continue to shop at the supermarket that you have your whole life, or the one your parents shop at all of the time. Whether it is Wal-Mart or Kroger, you will find that both stores have their advantages and disadvantages. Supermarkets everywhere are known for different specialities. It is up to you to decide what would be better for you in the long run... Shopping at a cheap supermarket or shopping somewhere that you know you will receive quality goods. 

Works Cited:
Patel, Raj. "Chapter 8." Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Pub., 2008. N. pag. Print.

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