Monday, October 21, 2013

Apocolypse Now

Imagine the Apocalypse is coming and you KNOW it. You have all the evidence, the proof, even the date when everything is going to hell...and no one will listen. You broadcast it to anyone who will listen, you get your story put on the news and radio, movies are made about your claim, you even get to talk to Congress MULTIPLE times and yet, no one acts. The world continues just as before, heading right for destruction. That is where we are friends, and here I am making another plea that will go unheard.

Just as Sheldon, Raj, Leonard, and Howard were oblivious to the amazing opportunities around them, we also have our heads looking down just keeping on the path we have always walked, ignoring the problems at hand, which include but are not limited to,
1. We're running out of water folks. Yeah, that liquid stuff we need to survive? Evaporating quicker than Usain Bolt with his butt on fire. 
2. It takes just as much energy to support our "green energy" initiatives as they produce. What's negative 5 plus positive 5? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Not exactly progress.
3. Natural Resources are finite, not infinite. The problem with finite things? They eventually are gone. Forever.
4. There is ALOT of crap. No I do not mean the hot, steaming, rank pile of toxic waste pouring out of capital hill these days, I mean actual poop. There is a dead zone the size of New Jersey in Mexico.
5. Harsher and harsher diseases are coming out of the food we eat. From mad cow disease to bird flue, diseases caused by companies taking short-cuts to produce their product at cheaper cost to them are continuing to become scarier and scarier.
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??????!!!!!! you might ask. Never fear, there is hope dear friends.
1. Transform our Tastes: That's right, we're going to have to change. I know, I know, but do not shoot the messenger! We have to actually make the demand for bad food go down. We have to make the effort to like healthy things, make THAT the money maker.
2. Eat Locally and Seasonally: Yes, this means what you think it means. You know that watermelon you want in December? That corn on the cob you want in January? Gone. And instead of having pineapples coming in 5,000 miles from Hawaii, eat from the farmers stand 50 miles down the road.
3. EAT ORGANIC!!! You've heard about it, now do it!

Support local businesses! Yes Wal*Mart makes the most sense for ease and comfort, but too much ease and comfort and its all over. Is it not worth the effort to travel a bit to help end the walk down the path where all the food goes away and we all cease to exist? Thought so.
5. Treat All Workers Fairly: Just because people are doing jobs we would not do does not mean we get to look down on them. We have to be better and demand that people are treated with dignity and respect.
6. REAL rural change. These areas are often stereotyped as "behind the times". There is a reason for that. Even though rural areas are some of the poorest areas, they are not being helped. 2+2=5 right?
7. An Actual Living Wage for EVERYONE: What? Equality? Martin Luther King had a dream, we've done ok with it so far, how about we extend it out?
8. A Long-Lasting Architecture: This is a bit hard to imagine, but yes, architecture and the buildings around us need a change as well. People adapt to the infrastructure around them, change the infrastructure, change the people.
9. Break the System's Bottleneck: FIGHT THE POWER!!! Yes, we have reached that moment; monopolies must be broken, power companies must be held accountable, a day of reckoning must come.
10. Making Good on the Injustices of the Past and Present: Change is great, and it is veeeeery much needed, but that does not erase what has and is occurring. Restitution must be paid for the evil and the bad that has been done. If we act now real positive change can happen and old would will scar and heal, but only if those who have been screwed over for so long are finally paid back for their suffering.

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