Sunday, October 20, 2013


With technology advancing each day, the first world and third worlds move further apart. Daily life can be hard in anyone's shoes at times, but I started to reflect on my life and all of the "problems" I have.

1. "I have nothing to wear!"


2. "This building doesn't have WiFi?!"

3. Having a flip phone.

(Almost worse than no phone.)

4. "How do I reheat leftovers without a microwave?"

5. "You only have an iPhone 4 charger?"

6. The closest Starbucks is 5 miles.

7. There's nothing to eat.






10. This blog crashed three times and I had to re-find pictures on Google.

So, as you can tell, these seem ridiculous when considering that some people in the world can't even get sanitary water to drink. Yet, I have to admit that I have had personal experience with all of these "problems". Consider what you have. Be grateful. Maybe help with the real problems in the world instead of complaining about yours.

P.S. Feel free to leave your #firstworldprobs in the comments below!

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