Thursday, October 3, 2013

Whats the solution to fixing nation wide hunger in India?

      This chapter made some points that were extremely eye opening for myself and sheds a new light on what exactly people mean when they talk about people going hungry. For me, I always thought that people went hungry as a result of a shortage of food. After reading this chapter this is not the case at all; it is actually the exact opposite. So if there is enough food available to feed a hungry country, then why are we having this conversation?

This graph shows the distribution of calories between the rural poor/wealthy and the urban poor/wealthy. Based off of this visual you can see a huge imbalance of the way these calories are being distributed. What I liked about this graph is the middle section of Required calories and how it shows that India actually has the ability and supply of food to provide the required amount of calories for every class of people. What then is the solution to this imbalance?

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