Thursday, October 31, 2013

Social Status Vs. Environmental Concern

In our discussion of Chapter 7 in Bell, we talked about whether wealthier or lower income people were more concerned with the environment? At first when this question was posed I really did not know the answer. I can also see explanations for how both wealthier and lower income people can be concerned with the environment more than the other.

The wealthier can be more concerned because big businesses who contribute to the majority of the reasons why we are concerned,  recognize this issue and have the means to fix it. On the contrary, big business might recognize they are harming the environment, but because fixing it might result in a lower profit, fixing it is out of the question.

Lower income people might be more concerned because as we discussed before, these are the people who are most effected by the causes of environmental problems such as pollution. Even though they recognize environmental issues, these people may not have the ability to fix the problem in turn making the concern for enviromental issues a non concern because it is simply something they have to deal with.

I found a youtube clip about a story in Detroit that relates to environmental concerns of both the wealthier and lower class. This clip shows the concerns of both sides, and is a way to look at social status vs. environmental concern as something that is in combination as a posed to against each other.
I posted the link instead of the actual video because the tool above did not list this video on youtube when I tried to search it so I apologize for that.

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