Thursday, October 24, 2013

Green Christians

     No, not necessarily an alteration of tared and feathered. It's a movement. Start by going to and checking out what they have. I spent some time on their site and can really start to understand some of the views and beliefs that they link together to gain their philosophy. Watch the video below on a church that takes environmentalism seriously.

     The people at The Green Christian work with churches and pastors, giving them the tools they need to talk about stewardship of the earth, and what the bible says about caring for the planet and our animals. They work to inform Christians about the fact that there are almost a billion people in this world without access to clean drinking water, and that sadly in many cases this is the result of pollution and pesticide runoff from fields. They also supply logic and plenty of information to those who want it, while focusing on spirituality, ethos, and pathos; personal stories about how the environment actually affects people and it’s role in the Christian faith.
Reading some of their sermons and blog posts has really made me think about things I've read in the Bible. Take a second and go check them out. Make sure to watch the videos they have on their website.

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