Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Developement is the Best Contraceptive" Whaaaaaat?

Hello everyone! Yes, you read that title correctly. What does that even mean?! In the most basic of terms, it means that population growth can actually be handled best by increasing the population in developing countries until they run out of their "rapid growth" phase and have enough people to begin making technological advancements, and after those advancements people realize children are no longer dying left and right and therefore it is ok to have fewer of them. The video below seems to have a bit of an issue with such a claim. WARNING: he speaks in a Swedish accent and stacks brightly colored boxes.
There is a theory presented that more people equals more inspiration and more ideas that will lead to technological advancements, so in fact, population growth is actually the solution to resource scarcity. What?! Yeah that's right. The more people equals the more ideas about how to solve the problem of too many people. And do not worry about people having the same ideas, or them all being flawed, that is just unrealistic.
Women are pretty great. In current American society women have been able to make huge strides when it comes to work and competing with male privilege; but their value goes much deeper. In the role of developing a country women are often overlooked, even though they are not only working in the home, but also working out in the labor force, whether that be the fields or the kitchen. (Insert insensitive stupid joke that no one find funny anymore except for those who's brain has not developed past the point of knowing how to breath here). Women put in a ton of effort, yet there seems to be one particular prevailing view of what women do when it comes to employment.

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