Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Its Just a Bean. What's the Big Deal?

The soybean is a simple vegetable that has become to be a very important part of the United States economy. It is that secret ingredient that makes massive chocolate production possible. Soybean oil is the main oil used for frying. This means most fast food industries use this oil to fry the French fries and chicken nuggets we consume. The soybeans, themselves, feed the animals that we then send to slaughter. This little bean comes full circle. It feed the animals we eat, and then allows us to fry those animals up. Wow! What a helpful vegetable.

Soybeans are not just a useful ingredient in food. They can be used as a food on their own. Some Asian countries have enjoyed using soybeans as a substitute for meat. Soybeans have many of the essential proteins our bodies need. They are low in fat, and full of protein. Since they are so good for us, why aren't most people eating them?

Through some searching, I was able to find this interesting video. It makes me wonder how "good" soybeans actually are.

Since soy is such an issue, why do people still produce it? Soybeans can be good for the environment. They are able to replace loss nutrients in the soil. This was an extremely important function after the Dust Bowl. The land had become unhealthy and dying. The soybean was used as a way to improve the soil back to a point where it was fertile again. As helpful as that was, the soybean is still not a wonderful vegetable that people may think.

Soy is all around us. It is almost impossible to go a day without being in contact with it. Soybeans go by many names and many forms in the world. This makes it even more difficult to deal with. Soybeans have become like corn: a new "amazing" food that is in everything, but no one knows it. Soybean farmers get huge subsidies to raise their crops. From the looks of it, soy products are going to be around for a long time. Hopefully our economy can last as long.

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